The Power of Impacting Three to Four Generations in Real Time
It is unfortunate and quite sad most people do not realize what power they have to positively impact others. Negative people seem to grasp this bit of knowledge much more often and decidedly than positive people. We sometimes fail to grasp how easily we can impact others in an almost effortless way. Family members are able to impact several generations within their own families, not to mention how many generations we can positively affect in our local communities, states, country and even abroad.
Today, I am thinking about a child listening to a grandparent regaling a childhood long forgotten by the world. A childhood filled with simple tasks compared to today. The grandparent more than likely enjoyed spending time with family during dinner time, on the holidays and weekends. I can relate to this scenario. My grandparents were always delighting the younger generations with stories and family traditions. Little did we know we were involved in “Listening Comprehension.” Listening Comprehension is an excellent skill to learn at home with family. Family members are the first characters a baby learns in life. That baby has been impacted by a story regaling grandmother and will continue to be impacted by the story each time it is told, and the child will begin to retell the story in bits and pieces until full comprehension is gained.
My grandfather went back to school in his sixties to receive his high school diploma. He was an excellent Math student, but he needed to work on Reading and Writing. Was this impactful? Yes, indeed! I knew I did not want to be in school at sixty years old. What impacted me most, was that my grandfather began to read me bedtime stories. I feel tears filling my eyes as I write this article. It just occurred to me for the first time, that my grandfather probably felt badly and ashamed that he could not read me a bedtime story. He impacted my life more than I realized. He impacted the lives of his friends, their children, his children, his grandchildren and their friends. That is a minimum of three generations. My son was impacted by this too. I read to my son in utero. He was a good reader at a young age. Due to what I learned from my grandfather, I am a better reader and writer than my son, but he has it all above me when it comes to Advanced Math. I cannot begin to do Calculus or Trigonometry. My grandchildren will be equally impacted by the generations in our family who came before them. They in turn will impact future generations in our family, their communities and the world.
Now it is your turn to impact generations now and in the future. A computer in the hands of shy, unsure of themselves students, will have the opportunity to impact current and future generations regardless of age, choices, race, religion, perceived class or what have you. One day their children and the children of their childhood friends will regale stories of the boys and girls who received a computer from the Hendrick’s Foundation, and your legacy branches off to the far corners of the world.
Thanking You in Advance!