Uniting through Our Common Beliefs and Values
You may or may not be a firm believer in Global Warming or Sustainable Energy, but you care about people, especially children. Humans are stronger when we are able to find commonalities and work together. Helping children to attain their full academic potential is one of the most selfless activities we can embark upon in this decade or perhaps this century.
I have encountered different types of youths. The youth who hang out with their friends because they lack direction or lack supervision. The youth who gets excited learning about the world, or the child who loves to visit the library each week to find books to lose themselves in after a week of chores, homework, and/or childhood obligations such as visiting elderly relatives. Some of us may be reminded of our own childhood, and believe children today have it much better than we ever did. In some instances, you may be one hundred percent correct. Let us look closer.
I do not recall my generation of friends and classmates not having the means to complete our homework or do research. Even if we were poor, we had access to public libraries in our neighborhoods. I remember my family buying a set of encyclopedias for our home. I was able to do assignments for History, Social Studies, and Science. I received very good grades for those reports.
I cannot imagine having to ask my grandparents to drive me fifteen miles to the public library. My grandmother never learned to drive, and my grandfather’s health was declining. I was very fortunate and blessed to have encyclopedias in my home to complete my homework and research.
Today, many students are no different than I was when I needed to do a report or gain more information about a topic for school. With all of the technical advances this world has experienced, one thing has not changed; children still need to learn. They need access to the world of knowledge to become well-educated and be able to compete in the world. Computers in a home would benefit so many children in poor countries. Even if every neighborhood had a computer center, it would positively impact the children living there.

Many children do not have access to a computer to complete their studies. These are smart capable students who require access to technology to level the playing field. Millions of computers are trashed every year when we upgrade our equipment or downsize for whatever reason.
The Hendrick’s Foundation is putting those discards to the best possible use.